Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Welcome to your final Blogging Class!!!

Welcome to your last class of CWC's ESL Summer Session!!!
Today's rundown:
1) Announcements & Homework discussion:
  • Did you link class blog to your blog?
  • Did you post or comment on the class blog? 
  • CWC Classes for Fall 2011


2) Answer new Class Poll on Class Blog website
3) Work on your own blog & class blog:
  • Continue linking other students' blogs to your blog and link class blog to your blog
  • Hyperlink a website or an article to your blog
  • Post a poll or question on your blog   
  • Choose a blogging feature you have learned and be ready to present it to the class on the document camera.  We will do this at 7:30!!! 

Blogging Presentations - show your blog progress and teach the class a skill


1) Take the Cyber Vocabulary Quiz
2) Final Discussion: Pair Share/Share out

1. What have you learned about blogging?
2. How will you continue to utilize your blog?
3. What has the blogosphere taught you? 
4. What are the advantages of blogs over other forms of communication?

***Nice work everyone!!! Enjoy the rest of your summer and see you in the fall! Remember  to register for fall ESL classes on August 9th-11th from 5-9 p.m.!!!

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