Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Welcome to your final Blogging Class!!!

Welcome to your last class of CWC's ESL Summer Session!!!
Today's rundown:
1) Announcements & Homework discussion:
  • Did you link class blog to your blog?
  • Did you post or comment on the class blog? 
  • CWC Classes for Fall 2011


2) Answer new Class Poll on Class Blog website
3) Work on your own blog & class blog:
  • Continue linking other students' blogs to your blog and link class blog to your blog
  • Hyperlink a website or an article to your blog
  • Post a poll or question on your blog   
  • Choose a blogging feature you have learned and be ready to present it to the class on the document camera.  We will do this at 7:30!!! 

Blogging Presentations - show your blog progress and teach the class a skill


1) Take the Cyber Vocabulary Quiz
2) Final Discussion: Pair Share/Share out

1. What have you learned about blogging?
2. How will you continue to utilize your blog?
3. What has the blogosphere taught you? 
4. What are the advantages of blogs over other forms of communication?

***Nice work everyone!!! Enjoy the rest of your summer and see you in the fall! Remember  to register for fall ESL classes on August 9th-11th from 5-9 p.m.!!!

    Thursday, July 14, 2011

    The children are gonna make me crazy!!!!

    At work

    Today the owner of the house whar i'm working on showed up, and he asked me a lots of cuestion about my job and what i've done so far, at the begginig  i was nervious but after a little while i wasn't and i did well. i'm a michine doing electrical work.             
    U r in Good hands.

    Blogging Class #4

    Did you remember to...
    • Post something cool you did recently to the blog?
    • Vote on the class poll?
    • Comment on the class blog?
    • Link class blog to your blog using link list or blog list
    • Make sure teacher has correct url for your blog -- Fabi, Laz, Susana, JD
    • Finish Blog Webquest #1
    • Finished reading your 'Blogging Bible'?
     Have you tried?
    • Uploading a picture to your blog?
    • Uploading a video to your blog?
    • Hyperlinking something to your blog?
    • Adding 3 gadegets to your blog?
    • Creating your profile?
    • Adding a poll to your blog?
    Today's Rundown:
    1) Go through checklists.
    2) Ask questions.
    3) Complete all tasks assigned up to this point.

    *AT 8:00, everyone needs to be ready to present their blogs to the class.  We will offer feedback and suggestions for each blogger!*

    Tuesday, July 12, 2011

    Social Networking Sites that we use and reasons why...


    Welcome back to the blogosphere!!!

    Today's run-down:

    1) Short discussion with a partner:
    • What is your blog about? What have you done on your blog?
    • What are you having trouble with?
    • What do you want to learn to do on your blog?
    • Review blog vocabulary
    • Discuss what makes a good blog comment [recall discussion and video from last class]
    2) Results from Blog Survey - Show posts on class blog and how to comment.

    3) Make sure you have accomplished these things:
    • Set up an email account and record it on the sheet if you don't have one already
    • Accept invitation to be a member of our class blog through your email.
    • Give teacher the url to your blog!!!
    • Set up your blog with title and purpose. Remember to keep your blog posts ON TOPIC.
    • Review the cyber vocabulary we learned.
    • Do Blog Webquest #1. Scroll down on blog page to see this post.
    • Write down the url for your blog. Link to: http://cwcbloggers.blogspot.com/ after you have accepted blog invite. [Ask teacher if you cannot do this on your own.]
    • Some volunteers will show offer quick blog tours to the class.Set your privacy controls under permissions tab.
    • Write a blog post on your blog. If you want an extra challenge, try uploading a picture, a video, or hyperlinking (use hyperlink icon at top of this page).
    4) Read your entire "Blogging Bible"

    5) Work on your blog. Add at least 3 gadgets. Make a post. Create your profile. Vote on class poll!

    ***Be ready to present your blog to the class next time.***

    1. Comment on the class blog somewhere
    2. Post on the class blog...something cool you have done recently! Include a picture!
    3. Link your blog to the class blog
    4. Sign up as a follower of the class blog and each blog
    5. Tour all other student blogs